Yasmin Garcia


Yasmin Garcia-Cruz is an experienced journalist who has worked in Mexico with the La Jornada newspaper and the Milenio television station. Her work focuses on political opinion, transnational human rights issues and the environment. She has written for the US publication, Salon, as well as Spanish language press in Brazil, Colombia, Spain, and Peru. Ayutcaya is a small town in the south of Sinaloa that houses a former American military base. Ayutcaya sits on one of the main migration routes through Mexico for Central Americans, along with Ciudad Juarez, Coahuila and Coahuila State.

Garcia-Cruz contributed this report.

This post has been translated for InSight Crime by Ceneca Del Cielo.

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INISONnews is an independent news source, promoting awareness about crimes committed by organized crime in Mexico.

*For more by Ina Sosa, Ph.D. see her book, โ€œThe State of Being: Inside the Mind of a Covered-Up Criolloโ€ (co-edited with Sergio Rodriquez) available through Palgrave.com ($14.95 hardcover; $9.95 ebook); on line at Amazon.com

INISONnews is an independent news source, promoting awareness about crimes committed by organized crime in Mexico.

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Photo credit: Alamo Media Studios

Yasmin Garcia

Location: Tokyo , Japan
Company: Berkshire Hathaway